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Claire Hemmings: Remedial Hypnotist

Remedial Hypnotist
Claire Hemmings   hypnotist

I am a practitioner of the CONTROL system, a direct, hands on method of creating rapid and positive change in the way you think, feel and behave.

By using direct communication with the most powerful and creative part of your mind the CONTROL system puts you back in charge of your own thoughts and responses. It can be used to change almost any current pattern of thought or belief that restricts you and prevents you from reaching your true potential. When you become consciously aware that these patterns are out of date and no longer appropriate or relevant, I can help you to update your subconscious programming and remove the barriers in your thinking that hold you back.

I offer a free consultation to discuss the change you need to make; whether this is a habit, phobia, lack of motivation or confidence, anxiety or depression, or one of many other issues. I will determine the way your mind works best and define the current pattern and desired pattern of thought or behaviour. This is followed by a three-session package. By the end of the third session you will not only have made the desired change, but will have the skills to deal with other issues independently.

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